NSCP On-Farm Preconditioning Services

In Fall 2019/Winter 2020 the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers conducted a Vaccination Screening project at the Atlantic Stockyards Ltd., with the assistance of Fundy Vets Ltd. This project illustrated that there was a need for preconditioning services, including tagging, vaccination, dehorning, castration and age verification, in the province.

The objective of offering these cattle preconditioning services is to improve cattle herd health in Nova Scotia by increasing the quantity and quality of vaccinated brood cows and pre-conditioned feeder calves.

Beginning late-August 2021, the NSCP will be offering these services to Nova Scotia producers, available on-farm. For producers to participate in these on-farm services, they must:

  • participate in workshops and training,
  • have a valid Veterinary-Client-Patient-Relationship (VCPR),
  • participate in the Herd Health Program
  • have a valid Premise Identification (PID)
  • complete age verification
  • be in good standing with the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers

Additional information will be further discussed at two upcoming producer information sessions (held via Zoom). Please register for the workshop of your choice by clicking one of the below dates: