Update to Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Veal Cattle

“An updated code of practice for veal calves has been released by the Canadian Veal Association and the National Farm Animal Care Council.

First developed in 1998, it is the 11th code to be updated through the council’s consensus-based approach to code development. It was prepared by a 17-person committee that included veal producers, researchers, veterinarians, government and animal welfare.

That committee used information from a six-person scientific committee on veal cattle behaviour, health and welfare. The updated code includes chapters on calf selection and care of newly arrived calves, housing, feed and water, husbandry, health management, transport and euthanasia. All chapters contain required and recommended practices when caring for and handling veal calves.”

Please click the below pdf to read more of this message from the Maritime Beef Council:
Veal Code Memo to Dealers December 2017 (new window)