
In Fall 2019/Winter 2020, the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers conducted a Feeder Cattle Vaccination Screening Project at the Atlantic Stockyards Ltd., with the assistance of Fundy Vets Ltd. This project illustrated that there was a need for preconditioning services, including tagging, vaccination, dehorning, castration and age verification, in the province. Proper preconditioning and weaning of feeder cattle are important for both the health of animals, as well as has an impact on profitability for cow-calf and feedlot operators.

The objective of offering these cattle preconditioning services is to improve cattle herd health in Nova Scotia by increasing the quantity and quality of vaccinated brood cows and pre-conditioned feeder calves.

The NSCP now offers services to Nova Scotia producers, available on-farm. For producers to participate in these on-farm services, they must:

  • participate in workshops and training,
  • have a valid Veterinary-Client-Patient-Relationship (VCPR),
  • participate in the Herd Health Program
  • have a valid Premise Identification (PID)
  • complete age verification
  • be in good standing with the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers

Producers will be able to book any combination of available services through the NSCP office. Available services:

  • Handling equipment and help
  • Tagging
  • Age verification
  • Vaccination administration
  • Castration
  • Dehorning
  • Weighing

The NSCP office will coordinate farms by geography to reduce costs and travel redundancy. Producers will be provided with a barn sheet with all information on completed procedures.

The cost structure for this service will be the same as the carcass ultrasound:

  • Flat call fee (TBD)
  • Hourly chute service fee – $35.00
  • Mileage

On-Farm Preconditioning – Producer Workshop Recording (August 10th, 2021)