Surveying Farmers About Tractor Safety

Memorial University’s Safety Net Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Research have created a short online survey. They are gathering information regarding tractor safety and producers within Atlantic Canada. To participate in this survey, please see the below link: ….  

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Zone Meetings

Below are the dates, times and locations for all upcoming Zone Meetings. These begin Monday, January 8th.

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Atlantic Cow-Calf Survey Extended to January 31, 2018

The first Atlantic Cow-Calf Survey has been extended to January 31, 2018! This survey is designed for cow-calf producers in NB, NL, NS and PEI. The survey is a series of production based questions about your 2017 calf crop. The questions are based on the cow-calf surveys completed previously in Western Canada and Ontario. The survey should take approximately 40 minutes to complete. After completing […]

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Surveying Farmers About Tractor Survey

Please keep a look-out for this Tractor Safety Survey from Memorial University’s SafetyNet Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Research. This is being distributed shortly within Atlantic Canada.

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2018 Maritime Beef Conference

Get your tickets today for the 2018 Maritime Beef Conference with featured speaker Dr. Temple Grandin; you don’t want to miss this!

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Out-Wintering Beef Cows

“During these harsh conditions, questions are raised about whether beef cattle should be housed in a barn. This is a logical question given that the predominant form of animal agriculture in our area is dairy and most dairy cows are housed in doors. However the beef cow is endowed with unique characteristics that allow her to deal with and adapt to challenging weather conditions. Beef […]

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