You are invited to a Serious Animal Disease Emergencies Awareness Webinar. Please register in advance. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting once registered. Atlantic Registration Link
You are invited to a Serious Animal Disease Emergencies Awareness Webinar. Please register in advance. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting once registered. Atlantic Registration Link
Aaron Beswick July 16, 2020 The Chronicle Herald SYLVESTER, N.S. — Derek Gladney was a half-million dollars in debt on Thursday and making hay. “It don’t bother me any,” said the 29-year-old. “As long as you’re making enough money to cover the bills, what’s the difference?” He’s not really making enough raising cattle to pay the bills. His day job as a carpenter pays his […]
In February 2016, the Prime Minister announced a new process for Governor in Council appointments. This new process is intended to be open, transparent, merit-based, and focused on identifying high-quality candidates who demonstrate Canada’s diversity. This process will be used to select new directors to serve on Farm Credit Canada’s (FCC) Board of Directors. The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau recognizes the importance of having strong leaders […]
Registration is now open for the 20th annual Open Farm Day on September 20, 2020! Due to public health recommendations and the ongoing risk of COVID-19, Open Farm Day will be a virtual only event this year! Registration closes July 31, 2020. To register please visit the NSFA Public Trust webpage.
Please see the below document for the new horn policy Atlantic Beef Products Inc. has adopted. Atlantic Beef Products Inc. Horn Policy – May 2020
Our Canadian farmers & food supply chain need support to mitigate the massive disruptions from COVID-19, to continue to provide all Canadians with a wide variety of affordable, nutritious food. Visit Support Canadian Food to send a letter of support to your MP today!
The Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture (NSFA) through Meet Your Farmer, is excited to announce a new initiative called “Your Farmers, Your Nova Scotia” that works to build a stronger connection between farmers and the people living in their communities. “Your Farmers, Your Nova Scotia, was created in an effort to connect Nova Scotians not only with the food on their plates, but how it […]
There will be a drop–by at Lynn’s home on Friday, June 26 from 3-6 pm for anyone who would like to say hello to her family, as there was no public wake for Jim. Their address is 9011 Moose River Road. There was a family funeral yesterday for Jim at their plot in Halifax. This will be an outdoor event in compliance with COVID-19 requirements.
Atlantic Beef Products Inc. recognized K. B. Kinsman & Son Farm Ltd. of Port Williams, NS as their Nova Scotia Beef Producer of the Year! Congratulations are extended to Keith, Diane and Mike Kinsman, who were the NSCP Producer of the Year recipient for 2018. Click here for an updated K. B. Kinsman & Son Farm Ltd. bio
We wish to extend condolences to the family of William James “Jimmie” Sutherland on behalf of the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers Board. Jimmie Sutherland Obituary