Ontario Agriculture Risk Management Program Overview AgriStability Information
Ontario Agriculture Risk Management Program Overview AgriStability Information
CFIA – Updated Guidance to Meat Slaughter and Processing Establishments on Prevention and Response to Suspect and Confirmed COVID-19 Plant Employees The guidance document outlines steps that meat slaughter and processing establishments are required to take to address exposure risks for both establishment and CFIA employees. This is an update to the document that was published on March 31, 2020.
The CFA is doing a series of surveys each week to monitor how COVID-19 is impacting farmers. Week of April 6th survey link
NSDA Notice: Soil testing for registered farms Soil samples will be accepted effective immediately with testing scheduled to begin the week of April 14, 2020.
Beef Magazine By: Brett Crosby Apr 02, 2020 Choice wholesale beef prices spiked $45.61 per cwt higher week to week on March 20, as COVID-19 forced consumers to stay home, shifting significant beef demand away from the food service sector to retail grocery. Even though prices softened since then, Choice boxed beef cutout value March 30 was still 11% higher than a year earlier. At […]
Darryl has been farming his entire life. Along with his four children, he ran an efficient and productive Dairy Farm for over 40 years, breeding many excellent purebred Holstein cows. After retiring from the dairy industry seven years ago, Darryl immediately brought this same attitude to his new adventure, Crossgrove Beef Farm. Darryl thought he would build a barn to raise a couple of beef […]
The NCBA has ALL of their Cattlemen’s College sessions from 2014-2020 loaded for free access until May 1st There are 100’s of 1 hour segments, such as material on: Taking the mystery out of In Vitro Fertilization Cattle’s upcycling super power Vitamin/mineral deficiencies Managing Forages to meet beef cattle nutrient needs Decreasing Health Risk in Stockers Click here to visit the website
Minister Blair (Public Safety Canada) released the Guidance on Essential Services and Functions in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic. This can be found within the “Food” section here.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is extending the deadline for livestock feed renewal applications until May 31, 2020, for registrations set to expire on March 31, 2020. Please read the Notice to Industry for more information
Country Guide By: Ralph Pearce March 31, 2020 The agri-food industry has been losing farmers for decades, yet that doesn’t distract most producers from doing the job they do, in spite of what federal Census of Agriculture numbers indicate. The fact is agriculture continues to drive excellence in quality, in volume and in encouraging investment in infrastructure and technology, even if the number of farms […]