Beef Cattle Research Council has a series of upcoming webinars beginning at 10PM local time that may be of interest to you! Additional information of this eight part series, including content and dates, can be found by clicking here.
October 1, 2019 Calgary, AB – The Canadian Beef Advisors are pleased to release the 2020-24 National Beef Strategy. The strategy is designed to take advantage of the opportunities facing the industry while simultaneously addressing the challenges. The development of the 2020-24 National Strategy has been a dynamic collaborative process engaging all industry sectors and national and provincial organizations. The Canadian Beef Advisors and provincial […]
Are you requiring a safe handling course?
August 20, 2019 – About two weeks ago, a fire at a Tyson meat packing plant destroyed about 5 to 6% of the nation’s beef processing capacity. The fire caused a significant drop in the price of cattle and a significant rise in the price of wholesale beef, increasing the packing margin (the difference between cattle prices and beef prices). This has caused a lot […]
September 10, 2019 – Protein has been a hot topic on the dinner plate of Canadians. Plant-based proteins have received a lot of attention lately. But what do we know of the actual demand and preference for animal proteins? We introduce a quarterly demand index to measure consumption preferences for beef and other meats. The barometer reveals the preference for beef remains strong. Click here […]
Join regional Department of Agriculture staff and Perennia Specialists on a series of pasture tours across the province led by farmers who are considered experts at on-farm grazing management. Whether you’re interested in intensive rotational grazing or just looking to improve on your current grazing system, attending one of those tours is a must. No RSVP required.