We are hiring an On-Farm Preconditioning Services Technician, for part-time contract services on an as-needed basis. NSCP On-Farm Preconditioning Technician Job Posting Closing date: July 8, 2021
We are hiring an On-Farm Preconditioning Services Technician, for part-time contract services on an as-needed basis. NSCP On-Farm Preconditioning Technician Job Posting Closing date: July 8, 2021
The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) is hosting an interactive workshop on June 16th, as part of a review of the Certified Sustainable Beef Framework. We would love to have some good feedback from not only producer groups, but also individual beef producers. The registration deadline is June 8th. Note that space is limited. Please register here. CRSB Workshop – Certified Sustainable Beef Framework
Below are two summer job opportunities in East Mountain, NS for those aged 15-30 years old. These both have closing dates of June 18, 2021: Sheep Producers Association of Nova Scotia / Northumberlamb Summer Job Posting Agri-Commodity Management Association Summer Job Posting
Please ensure you check with the appropriate province’s public health measures for trucking livestock during border restrictions: NB Public Health: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/contacts/dept_renderer.141.2281.html NS Public Health: covid19info@novascotia.ca; http://www.nshealth.ca/public-health-offices PEI Public Health: 902-368-5025, publicsafety@gov.pe.ca
The Agri-Commodity Management Association (ACMA) is a not-for-profit organization which provides efficient and effective administrative and professional support to the agricultural community in Atlantic Canada. ACMA provides administrative services to nine agricultural commodity organizations as well as administers programs directly to farmers across Atlantic Canada. At ACMA we work very closely with other industry organizations to provide administrative and advisory services as well as deliver […]
***Due to current COVID health restrictions in effect for Nova Scotia, the Cattle Appreciation Day will be postponed until Fall 2021. A date will be announced at a later date.***
The Dispensable Surplus Dairy Calf: Is This Issue a “Wicked Problem” and Where Do We Go From Here? Sarah Bolton and Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk Surplus dairy calves consist of all dairy bull calves and any heifer calves not needed as replacements for the milking herd. The fate of these surplus calves varies by region; for example, in Australia and New Zealand they are […]
The 48th Annual Maritime Beef Testing Society Breeding Stock Sale is occurring virtually April 3, 2021. For more information, ot to view various bull reports or the 2021 sale catalog, please visit the MBTS website.
We are operating a silent auction on our Facebook page with proceeds going towards the 4H Beef team, Nova Scotia Young Farmers’ and industry development projects. This auction runs until March 19th solely on Facebook. All auction items are posted as a photo. To bid, simply comment with your bid amount on the photo. Bids will continue for the week, with the next bidder commenting […]